We collaborate with you throughout a streamlined 4-step process.
No upfront costs for developing your analytics blueprint.
Discovery Sessions
We provide consultative & collaborative sessions – free of charge – with a focus on 5 key areas:
Available Data – all raw internal and external data sources you generate & utilize on a routine basis.
Current Output – a review of your current array of reports, Excel files, etc. helps us explore new areas for outcome optimization.
General Workflow – we capture your overall workflow to help determine where new information will impact outcomes.
Target Outcomes – discussion about specific, ongoing events that impact company performance. These typically fall into buckets such as risks, costs & opportunities. This discovery process provides the pathway for our engine to predict events, mitigate future risks and optimize outcomes.
Benchmark/ROI Strategy – we define baseline benchmarks in order to measure our financial impact.
Customized Engineering Plat
We design a customized engineering workflow blueprint containing specific details of your environment:
Data Sources – Inventory of all available historical data & active data sources.
Target Outcomes – Specific, ongoing events that impact company performance.
Output Mapping – Inventory of our engine output, where to send (applications, portals, etc.), and APIs.
Statement of Work
We provide you a customized engineering workflow blueprint as part of our detailed Statement of Work (SOW):
SOW – Contains all deliverables & timelines.
We provide a wide range of possible deliverables:
Output – Our deliverables are information such as reports, dashboards, alerts, calculations, risk scores & assessments, variance analysis, etc.
Display – This information can be displayed in any consumable fashion that you prefer such as a portal or push/pull into specific applications.
Set up a meeting with us: info@lightpathconsulting.com